Cooper Machine Company, Inc.
Cooper Machine Stave Horizontal Resaw 1000 model
Cooper Machine Stave Horizontal Resaw 1000 model
The 1000 model horizontal resaw works well with cants, slabs and staves. For staves, after the bot goes through the Halving Saw, it continues into a thin kerf Vertical Quartering Saw and then. Further downstream, a Horizontal Resaw will cut a stave blank that will be separated and the remaining quarter will continue on the runaround.
This machine has heads mounted on a reinforced frame, 40” (1000mm) diameter fabricated solid steel wheels for 2 or 4” bands. It has one 60hp electrical motor on each head. A variable speed drive for principle motor is included along with a polychain belt drive. Built heavier than other resaws on the market for long usage life and low maintenance.