Meadows Mills, Inc.
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Meadows Mills Number 2 Hydraulic
Meadows Mills Number 2 Hydraulic
The Meadows model 2 Sawmill has provided profitable service for sawyers throughout the world. The Meadows model 2 sawmill features a welded steel frame constructed from 8" channel and 4" x 6" tube. The carriage wheels ride on 12-lb. rail. The Meadows model 2 Sawmill is available in handset and hydraulic configurations. The Meadows model 2 sawmill track frame can be built to suit your material to be sawn. Track frames lengths vary from 40' up to 100' with carriage lengths built to suit. The headblocks on the Meadows model 2 sawmill have a 39" opening. Meadows offers two headblocks for the model 2 Sawmill. The standard headblock offers a single #80 adjustment chain and the heavy headblock offers a double #80 adjustment chain.
- Carriage frame constructed from 4" x 6" tube
- Ratchet cable tightner
- 8" diameter carriage wheels with tapered roller bearings in wheel hubs
- Track scrapes or Super Scrapes (covers entire wheel)
- Carriage axles, 1 11/16" diameter
- Carriage axles attached to carriage with cast steel hangers (axle is stationary and wheel spins)
- Standard track frames either 45' or 50', custom lengths are available
- Standard and Heavy headblocks offered standard with replaceable face plates, 39" opening
- Replaceable UHMW wear strips between the knee and the base
- 1 11/16" diameter set shaft
- 2 3/16" diameter cable drum shaft standard on hydraulic #2 sawmills
- Cable drum is 11" diameter with a 18" face and uses 9/16" cable
- Mandrel is 2 15/16" diameter with 8" saw collars, lengths vary
- Offbearing conveyor driven from the mandrel, available in either 14' length with 16" belt or 75" length with 16" belt, custom lengths are available
- Saw guide with remote adjustment arms
- Options
- Dial figure scale
- Vertical figure scale
- Hydraulic dogs
- Hydraulic tapers
- Master dog
- Log Flippers
- Electric/Hydraulic setworks
- Digital Analog Setworks
- Hydrostatic feed
- Sawyer's cab
- Insulation in cab
- Heat and air conditioning
- Log Turners
- Log Decks
- May be equipped with Model #2 or #4 material handling fan
- Top Saw
- Vertical Edger
- Hydraulic Log Cleaner