Machinery Scene is your source for used industrial machinery. We buy and sell quality, previously owned equipment. Every piece of machinery listed on our site is located at our Toledo, Washington facility. When you call us for equipment, you don’t have to worry about working with another company because we own all the equipment!
Conveyors Belts
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Used Incline refuse chevron belt conveyor for sale, 48 ft. chevron belt conveyor, used wood waste belt conveyor, 30 inch chevron belt conveyor for sale, used 48ft+- long incline belt conveyor, wood waste belt conveyor for sale, used chevron belt conveyor for sale, refuse incline belt conveyor used, trough width 32”+- at the bottom- trough width at the top 37” , belt width 30”, chevron belt thickness 3/8 +- multi ply., 16” deep trough, 48ft+- long wood waste conveyor ( 28ft horizontal length - 20ft long inclined length- incline height, 20” horizontal & 79 inclined height) “S” tension type, drive pulley has rubbers bonded/attached to reduce lag-wear, adjustable tail pulley, motor base, removed from service and stored in our yard – ready for prompt shipment, gear motors available, call for a delivered price